Monday, 25 March 2019

The Benefits Of CCTV To Homes And Businesses

According to reports from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) the crime statistics on reported offences reflected a total of 134,663 for the year 2017. The report further stated that offences against property had the highest number of cases with a total of 68,579. 

This report by NBS reiterates the need for individuals and corporate organizations to resort to the use of technology to improve or boost systems in place to ensure the safety of lives and properties.

This article aims to highlight the many benefits of having a Closed Circuit Television monitoring system installed and fully functional at your work place and home. While CCTV system in most cases can't stop an ongoing crime, it sure does prove useful in a number of ways.

1) Crime Deterrence: The presence of a CCTV camera discourages petty crimes and would discourage criminals from even committing illegal activities.

2) Monitor Activities and Events:
A CCTV gives you the opportunity to monitor activities in your homes or business places. It let's you know who your children are talking to. It allows you monitor activities at work even when you aren't physically present.

3) Gathering Evidence: CCTV has been instrumental in the successful investigation and prosecution of numerous legal cases. It has also been useful in recovering missing persons. Installing a set of CCTV in the long run benefits you and your community.

4)Settling disputes: A CCTV is an Impartial eyewitness. And when it comes to settling disputes in the home or work based environment, A reference to a CCTV video may be all you need.

5)Record Keeping: A CCTV allows you to monitor activities at the work place. It allows to access and analyze customer - employee relations, visitors accessing your facility and can aid the training of staff at your establishment.

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