I must state here that I do not know the location of the Interview but it did seem like one of our universities or polytechnics. So I watched the video and was struck to my shoes. Majority of the ‘correspondents’ owned up to having more than one boyfriend and even went ahead to give reasons why it is ‘normal.’
One of them said “I have one boyfriend for my time on campus and another for when I am at home; both of them have never and will never meet but they serve their purpose”. At this point, I wasn’t really moved because we know of such stories where women have their normal boyfriends and then the ‘maga’ that takes care of the bills.
Watching further, another lady said she has about 4 boyfriends and she cannot be bothered because she is 21 and isn’t ready for marriage. In her words: “when I am ready to marry, I will find one and settle down”. She went on to say that she should not be blamed for having such a number as there are other who even have 5, 6 and up to 8. Statistically, there are more women than men on the face of the earth and every man can have about 3 women to himself if the world’s population is shared like that, still what we see is the opposite.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that men do not have various relationships, I’m just wondering when this became socially acceptable. Another girl interviewed was asked how she identifies these men on her phone. She said: “I have them stored under different names; one is ‘expenses’ another is ‘dulling’ etc. Father in Heaven! The lady went on to explain that he is saved thus because he is responsible for meeting most of her financial and material needs. The one named 'dulling' is so because whenever she’s with him, there’s no dull moment.
Dear God!
It is generally said that gifts should be received with open arms; this must be why girls are quick receivers. A girl was asked whether she doesn’t fear being discovered by these men. She said no, because she’s very careful. She said she has 2 phones given to her by 2 different guys and makes sure she doesn’t take the wrong one along when visiting.
The video went on and on, and at some point, I couldn’t take it anymore. Various names, aliases, and different men to meet different needs. It is basically safe to infer that the more needs you have as a woman, the more boyfriends you should have; and here I was thinking that we still operate a one man-one girl system. I must be living in the 90s.
My essence with this article is to put it out there for all to see how far we have gone. Is there still hope? Can guys actually still be sure that the girls they are with are not with someone else? Like I said, guys are not excused from this because the rule of cause and effect comes to play here. Are there any good girls still out there?
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