Even if you have not explored its exclusive power, you must have heard about the ‘G’-spot and all its intricacies. The ‘G’-spot is an erogenous zone located inside the vagina that produces some pretty intense sensations.
At the same time, it can also produce some extreme frustrations and dissatisfaction because it is, for many women, elusive and mysterious. Although the whole notion of the ‘G’-spot is hardly new, sex researchers and therapists have been flaunting it for years in the medical field, though skeptical about whether it really exists. The ‘G’-spot is a very real part of the female anatomy; this fact is newly documented by medical doctors. Thanks to this new research, one can now realise that every woman is capable of experiencing more concentrated sexual pleasure and powerful orgasm.
What is G-spot precisely?
There are disagreements about the actual size of the ‘G’-spot. It ranges from a quarter of an inch to a couple of inches in the upper wall of the vagina, about an inch or two past the vagina opening. Underneath are highly sensitive tissues that, when touched the right way, triggers feelings of sexual happiness and contentment.
The ‘G’-spot sensation, as described by most women, is more intense than those sensations they feel via clitoral stimulation. According to most of these women, there is more of a warm flushing feeling that resonates deeply through and throughout their entire body. Even experts who always believed in the ‘G’-spot were not sure whether it was a distinct gland or merely a collection of nerve endings extending from the underside of the clitoris.
Here is what researchers are sure of: They believe the ‘G’-spot is its own entity and is actually equivalent to an organ in the male body.
This is known as female prostrate because their tissues surround an area that produces chemicals similar to that of male prostate, a gland that creates fluid to nourish the sperm. Another similarity between the male prostate gland and the ‘G’-spot is that when the ‘G’-spot is aroused, women experience wetness more than they do during other types of stimulation. Some women disclosed that they produce some clean, clear colourless fluid when they reach orgasm.
Where and how do couples locate the G spot? First, all you need to do as a couple is for the wife to lie back and just relax. Embarking on the first G-spot mission location by couples can really be wearisome and it will definitely take a lot of patience and persistence. However, locating the G-spot can be done in two ways.
The first is the wife locating it by herself, or with the assistance of her husband.
However, while counseling couples in my office, I always encourage the second way, that is, the husband helping out in the location of the ‘G’- spot. If you, as a wife, want to do it yourself, start by spreading your legs and bending your knees, so that your vagina is open and will be easily accessible. With your palm facing up, insert two fingers inside pressing your fingertips against the centre of the upper vagina wall.
By so doing, you are actually seeking a spongy puckered or slightly ridged area, like the roof of your mouth. If after several minutes you are still coming up empty handed, this is the time to call for your husband’s assistance. Tell him to caress you the more, because when you are aroused, the ‘G’-spot is filled with fluid and it becomes larger because you have an easy time locating it, if you are turned on by your husband. One sort of strange tipoff is that you will experience a sudden need to urinate. Because the ‘G’-spot is so close to the urethra, touching it often triggers the urge to urinate.
However, there is no need to run to the rest room because this is just a false alarm. The urge will go after some seconds. Now, locating the ‘G’-spot by yourself is just to let you know you have one and nothing more.
But I am always of the opinion that the best way out is to engage your husband in locating this mystery spot to take you to this paradise of serial orgasm.
Most times, many wives shy away from the fact that they should guide their husbands to locate and stimulate their ‘G’- area. There is no reason to shy away from things that will encourage oneness and intimacy between husband and wife. And from experience and counseling, I am yet to see a man refusing the offer of sex from his wife, all things being equal.
To guide your husband to your ‘G’-spot, here is the easiest way to start off. Have him gently-slip a finger or two inside your vagina, then softly feel along your upper vagina wall. If he is having trouble finding the right spot, encourage him to kiss you (the slightest erotic kiss, when administered well, sets a wife off in a jiffy).
The husband can increase this by touching his wife’s nipples or the outer vulva area of her vagina in a feather-touch manner.
Remember, the more aroused your wife is, the more her ‘G’-spot area will stand out, making it easier to locate and caress. Also, consider placing a few pillows under your wife’s buttocks and gently open her legs, to give you greater access. Once he hits the spot, just massage it slowly and slowly in a gentle circular manner. To prevent boredom and dryness, do your best by trying different types of caressing, such as ‘figure eight’ or a rapid sequence of pulses or a ‘push me’ around type of caressing.
The ‘G’- spot can take a lot of pressure, so your wife may want or require you to press harder. As a matter of fact, this is where you may not be able to predict your wife’s sexual desire exclamations because you will be surprised by her moves and request.
One ‘G’-spot touch technique the husband definitely should treat his wife to is light tapping. Use the tip of your finger to tap firmly and repeatedly on the ‘G’-spot. I am sure you are enjoying this piece I will bring you the concluding part next week. Until then, I remain your loyal bedroom instructor.
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