Friday, 16 November 2012

10 Ways Husbands Can Show Love To Their Pregnant Wives

Dads-to-be, if you’ve not yet taken an active role in serving and caring for your pregnant wife , I hope this post will give you some ideas and encourage you to do so.
There is no way you could understand how taxing it is to grow a life inside your body. It’s wonderful yet exhausting. It’s effortless yet challenging. It’s beautiful yet ugly. Those dichotomies alone are enough to make one go mad.

With all of these suggestions, the important thing is to offer to do it before she has to ask.

That is what makes a woman feel the most cared for . I don’t know many men who will refuse when asked to do something but it means so much more when they don’t have to ask and when you serve them with joy.

10 Ways Husbands Can Love On Their Pregnant Wives

1. Bring her a snack or drink. Learn her pregnancy eating habits and offer it before she has to ask.

2. Rub her back or feet or legs. Heck, rub anything that makes her feel better! Her body is likely aching a lot!

3. Offer to cook a few meals. This may not be your strength daddy but you can try. Or pick up take out on the way home from work.

4. Send her to take a bath. She may not even want to make the effort but once she is soaking in that warm, bubbly tub, she will feel so much better!

5. Help out more with household chores. . .especially those that require bending over (in the 3rd trimester).

6. Be sensitive about sex and intimacy. Talk openly about it. Let her know your needs but understand her feelings as well.

7. Tell her she’s beautiful. Every. Single. Day.

8. Engage in baby prep and planning. She will be nesting. Big time. Don’t fight it. Surrender to her baby bliss and get involved!

9. If you already have children, help her with bath and bedtime routines (more so than you normally would) as this is when she is likely exhausted.

10. Be a good sport and joyfully take pregnancy photos with your beautiful, pregnant wife . You will cherish them in years to come.
Ladies, this post is not meant to make you feel badly for all the things your husband isn’t doing. It’s not meant to make you mad at him for not thinking to ask your doctor what he could do for you.
I hope you will share this post with him in an effort to communicate what you might need from him during this time.

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