Tuesday, 16 October 2012

10 Ways To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are common among women.This is because when women reaches her puberty they start gaining weight quickly.

This develops fine lines on their body which is known as stretch marks. Stretch marks is also seen when one is pregnant or trying to gain muscles. Sometimes hormonal changes also leads to stretch marks.

Eliminating stretch marks is not an instant process and if market products are claiming for instant result then they are certainly lying. If you passionately want to eliminate your stretch marks then you need to have patience for it.

It is possible to diminish them if not completely eliminate them. Generally stretch marks are scene along the side of your stomach ,chest ,bottom of belly and on your thighs.

So you will notice that stretch marks appears on places where lot of fat has been accumulated.

Here is a comprehensive list of remedies through which you can get rid of stretch marks:

1.Olive oil is considered as quite an famous remedy for stretch marks.Rub olive oil until you start seeing the marks diminishing.Its a long process but it works.Get into the habit of applying olive oil on stretch marks immediately after you take bath.This will slowly become your habit and you will see the result without much of an effort. Getting rid of stretch marks on the breasts is possible by gently exfoliating the area using raw sugar and almond oil.

2.There are other oils also which are considered to be helpful in stretch marks such as almond oil,castor oil,avocado oil and vitamin E oil.If you don’t have vitamin E oil then you can buy vitamin E capsules and break the capsule in any oil and then apply on the effected area.Vitamin E capsule can be used on your hair and face also .This gives nutrition and add shine to your hair and face.

3. Massaging body with aroma oil during your pregnancy reduces your chances many fold of getting stretch marks during pregnancy.

4. Aloe vera is also known to diminish stretch marks. All you have to do is to take aloe Vera gel ,cod liver oil and if you don’t have cod liver oil then take vitamin E oil and apply on the stretched mark area. This is considered to be a quite a speedy process in healing stretch marks.

5. Rubbing Vaseline intensive care cream on stomach twice a day during pregnancy prevents from stretch marks.

6. Apply generous amount of castor oil on the affected area and rap it with a plastic bag and place a hot water bottle on it. Do it for half an hour and wash it off. This helps in treating stretch marks .Many parlors also gives sitting of this in exorbitant amount.

7.You can make a lotion for stretch marks and apply it daily. Mix ½ cup extra virgin oil and1/4th cup aloe vera gel and add the liquid of 6 Vitamin E capsules and 3-4 Vitamin A capsules.(These capsules are easily available in any chemist shop).Blend all the ingredients and store the mixture in a bottle and put it in the refrigerator. Apply daily on the stretch marks area .Don’t forget to shake the bottle well before you apply the lotion.

8. Eggs are a rich source of protein and apply egg white on your skin greatly effects in helping stretch marks.

9.Cocoa butter is a very famous remedy for stretch marks. You can make a 100 dollar stretch marks cream with it at home. Just mix 1/2cup cocoa butter ,1 tbsp vitamin E oil,2 tsp grated bees wax .Heat the mixture till the wax get melted .Store and refrigerate the mixture. You can add wheat germ oil and apricot kernel oil into the mixture or speedy recovery. Apply this cream every day on the affected area.

10.Shea butter has become one of the most popular beauty product. It has high source o vitamin E and Vitamin A which makes skin healthy. Rubbing them twice a day helps in stretch marks.

All the above remedies are inexpensive and can be made easily at home. You have to be patient in trying these remedies. For instance cocoa butter works for some and olive oil doesn’t.So keep on trying . It is best to do something rather than completing ignoring it.

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