Cliched but mostly true: A woman’s hair is her (physical) crown and glory. The desire for ‘good hair’ makes women eagerly crave for extensions; but the truth is your real hair can be ‘good hair’ as long as it is healthy and you take care of it properly. Don’t believe me?
Here are 5 tops for getting healthy hair, with a focus on relaxed hair:
Embrace stretching
A stretch is the length of days between one relax and another. It can be for as long as six months. Go without the creamy crack for six months? I know it sounds impossible but it can be done. People who relax every 3-4 weeks cannot possibly understand the damage they are doing to their hair. That’s like using your own hands to kill your hair…literally! Relaxing your hair too often can lead to thinning hair. So postpone that next relax for a longer period. Start off with a 6-8 week stretch. Well I never said stretching was for the faint-hearted. The brave can opt for the 4-6 month stretch. A bit of warning; make sure you understand how to manage the two different hair textures that will result.
Let your hair breathe
You know we Naija babes love our extensions! Long, short, sleek, curly, red, purple…there are no limits in the world of extensions. While they bring versatility to your look, extensions can badly damage your hair if not fixed properly. I’m sure you know women with ‘patch-patch’ hair in front thanks to braids and don’t even get me started on those who rock weaves for six months straight…yes it happens! Extensions should not become a permanent replacement for your hair. Go without that Brazilian weave for a while. Yes you’ll survive and please don’t let extensions decay on your head. Besides the unkempt look and smell that results, your hair will become unhealthy.
Oils and all that good stuff
Your hair deserves to be pampered too. Luckily the good stuff your hair needs is easily accessible and cheap. I’m taking about hair oils like coconut oil, carrot oil, castor oil etc. They generally moisture your scalp and give it all the nourishment that it needs. They can be used individually or combined in a treatment for greater results. You can find these hair oils in a good beauty shop.
Who is your hairdresser?
As convenient as the salon on the next street might be, do they actually know what they are doing? How many times have you almost had your scalp peeled off all in the name of washing? What about those really tight braids/ cornrows that hinder your smiling abilities? Beauty is pain yes but not the 5-day headache kind of pain. A good hairdresser will be interested in nurturing your hair and can recommend good products for your hair type. Of course there is always the DIY option.
Love your hair
Loving your hair is the most important tip I can give you. You love your hair by consciously taking care of it. Do not use products excessively. Find what works for you and stick with it. Dr Miracle is only a miracle worker for certain types of hair. Discover creative ways to style your hair with minimum heat. Massage your hair on a regular basis to help prevent dryness. Finally, have a good hair regimen and stick to it. Your hair will be glad you did.
As you follow these 5 tips, watch the changes in your hair; in texture and strength.
For you ladies rocking your natural hair un-relaxed – you’re ne